Saturday, December 11, 2010

Journal Entries

AlDana Al Thani 9B Journal Entries

Sunday 7th of November- I started the design stage today and I wasn't quite ready. I did get the base done,by using a saw to cut the shape that I wanted. and only one of the sides since it took me a long time to get the edges straight because it was the first time I use the filer and everyone was busy doing their own work. I did get the edges straight, but I might fix lengths and the widths next lesson! I only used the saw this lesson.:)

Tuesday 9th of November- This lesson, I finished the other side of my desk organizer. I also made the levels that I'm going to add on top of the base. I tried to make shelfs, but I got all the measuring wrong. I decided to change my design. I'm going to make the edges straight and not curved. Also, I'm not going to make two shelfs, but instead only one. I decided to do that because of the amount of time that we have left in the workshop is just not enough. I used the saw.

Tuesday 23rd of November- We are back from the Eid Break :D, and we are quickly just getting into finishing our designs. Someone stole the levels I made for the bottom of my design, so I made new ones. I took all lesson to do this and Nail everything together. I used the saw.

Sunday 28th of November- I finished nailing/glueing everything together and I forgot to add the shelf. I added the shelf with no problem. Now all I have to do next lesson is to add the levels, make a cover for my shelf+ desk organizer and paint the project. To be honest, I think we should have gotten more time in the workshop. Here is a picture of my desk organizer so far. I used a hammer and the saw.

Screen shot 2010-11-29 at 8.20.23 PM.png

I know its not much But I hope I can finish it by next lesson.

Tuesday 30th of November- All I did this lesson was finish up with all the little details. I filed the sharp edges on my desk organizer used a small file. I also used the hammer and some nails to fix some mistakes I made. I decided to make some final changes to my design. The shelf will just open, it's not going to be a drawer as I did not have enough time to make one in this final lesson we were given at workshop. Lastly, I had a bit of time to paint my product, I chose the color red, as like the design stage said it would look like. It has a certain flare to it. It defiantly catches the eyes! And also, I can see it can appeal to both males and females!Screen shot 2010-12-02 at 5.10.31 PM.png

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